Feb 8, 2010

Diana (moonshadow) would just like to get in here.


just joan said...

great,,,,now go watch the broadcasts.

MoonShadow/Diana said...

It worked It worked!!!

My bucket has only one thing in it,( but it is huge) and that is to be able to ride my horses with out fear..and I don't mean normal, being smart about shit fear. I mean paralyzing,can't see or hear right, going puke fear. Once I conquer that I hope to be able to apply that skill to other parts of my life and world that fear is making smaller and smaller.

I got a start on it last fall, but then winter hit, and the opportunity to get back at it, has not been there. I expect when it is, I will be starting from scratch.. but hopefully it will not take me long... wish me luck folks!

OHH and when I say ride, I just mean a slow walk, maybe a trot around the ring.. dare I hope to be able to trail ride?? No aspirations to jump, fancy ass dressage, or running barrels.. just sitting straight, steering gently,relaxed and breathing in the joy!

Bay-Lee said...

Hey Diana, I would really like to ride with you,maybe we can ease each other fears....:)

MoonShadow/Diana said...

Hey Bay-Lee ..riding together would be awesome!!! Maybe wne I get moved over to the main land.. I will not be so freaking far away.

It would be wonderful to have a riding partner who understands.