Feb 7, 2010

Mariea wants to go to Australia


mariea said...

I want to go to take Gunnar to Joan's place this summer for a week and just relax and go for a ride.. that's what is on my bucket list .. it's not a lot but something I really want to do.. oH I want Nancy (Firebug) to come with me and bring Amos too..

just joan said...

sounds like a plan to me......we can do that body paint job mardi gras thing and invite Freva......

mariea said...

hhaha I loved Mondays broadcast.. congradulations on your up coming grandchild.. sooooo cool...
To bad Buck as an ass.. no worries someone will come along that will be a good match for him..
Hope you find a pony.. wishing I hadn't of sold my cart now..