Feb 12, 2010





Unknown said...

Now that sounds like fun Joan! You actually reminded me of something I thought would be awesome to do. Don't know if you saw the show, it aired about 7-8 years ago - called Pioneer Quest. These poor buggers (2 husband and wife couples) were dropped off out in the wilds of Manitoba for a year with nothing but tools and clothing from the late 1800's and a few animals. They had to build their own homestead, grow a crop and put up hay and firewood for the winter. It was brutal since it was the wettest spring/summer and coldest winter on record for that area in a long time. It looked like such an adventure though, would really make you appreciate what we have now.

just joan said...

I remember the show cindyrelly......but, I dont actually want you ALL HERE...that long!!!!!!!! hahahhaha...but we could put up fence if thats what you have a hankering for........

Tanya B said...

Very Sad about no song this morning - I agree the co-stars need a flogging!! But just because they don't want to participate doesn't mean that we wouldn't all want to see you try...
Love the survivor idea!! For those that are not so much on the active side - maybe you could have a contest that involves them building a saw horse or a puzzle and see who can get it done first - Nott all the activities have to be physical. As for the topic of the show - the survivor weekend could be done as a fundraiser with teams collecting donations from sponsors and the proceeds could go to someone you have heard of that has a bucket on your site - maybe draw a name?

just joan said...

thats a great IDEA Tanya...and yup, there will be quite a few NON PHYSICAL CHALLENGES.