Feb 20, 2010

YouTube - farawayj1's Channel

YouTube - farawayj1's Channel


Peetree Stables said...

So ... after cindarellies experience I should dig that form out of my pure and get my drivers license renewed, eh? It expired on 11 Jan and I keep meaning to do it but I have to go into a bank to do it - can't do it online. Will you bail me out too?

Tiger Woods is just another case of a man who got CAUGHT f-in around. They are never sorry they did it, only sorry that they got CAUGHT. I could really go into a rant here but I won't ... not good for my therapy. HA HA!

JJ your version of "blowing bubbles" is a little different than the one I learned. Mine goes like this ...

"I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Bubbles is the boy next door." Hmm, I must have had a different childhood than you did!

just joan said...

roflmao.........like my mother would ever have sung it like that......ahahahahaha

tolepaintingkim said...

OMG, that is too funny....the Bubbles thingy. And the last time I went to get my drivers license, it was up for over a year....never did pay much attention to those things. I was even scared when I went to get them that they would catch me getting in my car after and know that I drove there with no license. Great broadcast Joan....see you tomorrow.