Feb 6, 2010


Have you seen the movie The Bucketlist, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman?
It's about two men admitted to the hospital with terminal illnesses and they come up with a LIST of things they want to see and do before they KICK THE BUCKET.


just joan said...

I started my list last year once I realized that too many days had passed that I did not have JOY in my life.

I would like you to add to this blog what you would add to YOUR OWN LIST........and, if in fact you have accomplished something on your list.......send us a picture or a video so we can share it with you...........who knows, we me even find a friend to come with us on our SKYDIVING or BUNGY jump

just joan said...

The picture on the header of this blog is my number one of my own Bucketlist............he is JJ"SBUCKETLIST..