Feb 6, 2010

Valerie would love to ride naked in the Irish sea, horses' mane and tail flying, arms flung wide open singing at the top of her voice...........PERFECT.


Valerie said...

Not quite sure where JJ got the naked part from but riding in the Irish mist is something I have always wanted to do. Someday, I hope......

just joan said...

was just a little added bonus for you Val,,,

MoonShadow/Diana said...

Here is a web site, that you can meet and chat with horsefolks from all over the world.. but the majority are from Ireland and Scotland and England.. Maybe you might find someone who would be able to help you complete your wish. I have meet some very nice people on this site. Good luck, and if you make it nakkid or not.. get pictures!!!


Valerie said...

Thanks for the link, Diana. I will check it out. I have always thought it would be the coolest thing to do...not the naked part...that would be downright cold...!!! I thinking I should at least try it a bit closer to home first...maybe.